2016 free calendar!

January 12, 2016
If you haven't already printed off your calendars for this year or haven't found one that you just love yet, never fear! I have created one for you!

I love this calendar because it's kind of like Instagram and, although the calendars with boxes are helpful so I can write things down that need to happen during the week, it's nice to have one that I can glance at, just to see the dates.

So here's what you do: Click here to view and print all the 2016 months, choose your favorite photos, and resize them to be 1350 x 1350 pixels. Then, paste them at the top above the month and days (if you don't have your own photo editing program, pic monkey is a great, and also FREE photo editing site)! Pretty easy. Here's an example:

When you print them off at home (or at the store), print them off 5x7 and then decide how you want them displayed. I hopped on over to Walmart and purchased a small clipboard to keep them all together and display them, but they would be cute as a banner, or even just tacked on a cork board! The whole point is that you have a custom (free!) calendar with sweet photos/reminders from the past year.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment

  1. So cute! I love having pictures on calendars, especially family pictures!


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