Family | Chelsea's 7-year interview

July 31, 2019

She's 7! This year, we decided to take all of our kids to Disneyland to celebrate, but I'll talk more about that in another post. This post is all about Chelsea's interview!


Family | Alexa's 5-year interview

July 28, 2019

I love making these interview videos every year for the kid's birthdays and seeing the ways they've changed and grown from year to year, although many times I listen to little Alexa and am reminded of the little 3-year-old naming Rollie Pollies and then squishing them (click here to watch that interview).


Elise Indietta | 4 months

July 19, 2019

It makes me feel sad to think about how little I’ve written down and documented about Elise’s life so far. There are so many things I want to remember about Elise as a baby and about our lives right now.


Tips for your Fresh 48 Session

July 9, 2019

The first 48 hours after the birth of your baby is one of the most magical times of  your life. Seeing their squishy faces, snuggling their warm, fuzzy bodies, and introducing them to their older siblings is something you always want to remember, which is why you hired a photographer. Now you want to make sure the session comes off without a hitch. Here are some tips to do just that!

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