Now, because today was so unbearably uneventful, I'm going to write about this weekend instead. I feel like I'm becoming notorious for posting "behind the times" when it comes to holiday festivities, but better late than never, right? I'll work on being better for the next holiday.
What I want to post about today is my husband, Drew. I had a special experience this weekend that gave me more insight on the man I married and his character. Our ward (the group of people in our church boundaries) had a little party on Friday night which included a "Newly Weds and Not-so Newly Weds" game show (a lot of the families in our ward are older). Drew and I are one of the youngest couples and so we were asked to participate. Drew had to work until 6:00 that night and wouldn't be home until 6:30. I was worried that he wouldn't get to the party in time because it started at 6:00 and the game show started at 7:00. My worries were confirmed as it drew nearer and nearer 7:00 and Drew wasn't showing up. Finally I saw him arrive with a little old lady on his arm. When he entered the building, he escorted the little old woman to the doorway to the gym, and I asked him where he'd been. He told me that he had seen this old woman outside her home on his way to the party. He stopped the car and asked her if she was coming to the ward party. When she responded that she didn't know that there was a ward party, he helped her get into the car and brought her.
I don't know if I have ever been more impressed by the man I married, or more humbled. To me, Drew exemplified exactly what Easter is all about; loving others and sacrificing for others. Jesus taught, "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God." I am so grateful that through thick and thin, through any trial, hardship, or doubt I experience in my life, one choice I can be sure of is that I married the right man. I believe that Jesus Christ did pay the price required for my wrongdoings, my sins. I believe that he did die and then was resurrected three days later. I know that He loves me. I encourage all to learn of His love by reading the scriptures and by praying to Heavenly Father. He will always answer.
On Sunday I was uplifted with many messages and teachings about Jesus Christ at church and then was blessed to spend some time with family. It's so great to have them all so close! Thanks for reading! See you Wednesday!
Cyber high five to whoever comes up with the best caption for this photo.
Happy Easter!
Sweet post. Love the pictures. Wish we were there!