March 14, 2014
You know what my favorite part about pregnancy is? The nesting instinct. After about 4.5 months of having absolutely no desire to do any of the things I usually love to do, all of a sudden it's all back, and with a force! Seriously. It's the best.

I've missed blogging so much and am looking forward to making up for lost time. I've got A LOT of fun projects in the works (nesting instinct, remember?). Here's a preview of what you have to look forward to:

1. How-to and how-not-to paint your furniture
2. Re-style your man's t-shirt: Maternity
3. How-to sew your own maternity shirt
4. How-to make a tulle skirt
5. How-to prepare your kids for the hard times: A lesson from the parents who raised 12
6. Various updates on the family and beautifying the house

I am so grateful for this time of pregnancy where everything is exciting and beautiful again! I've missed the feeling of creativity and beauty in my life. Thanks to all of you readers who have asked me how I've been and expressed your desire to have me back. It's good to be here. Promise I'll post pictures of the growing tummy plus all the goody-pregnant information soon, but be patient with me. I may have to jump back into this slowly, but jump - I shall!

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  1. Good to hear from you again! I've missed reading your blog and it sounds like you have some great posts coming up. It can be so hard to keep up on things while pregnant but it sounds like you are doing a great job! I can't wait to read more! :)

    1. Thank you, Brooke! I'm telling you, it's all the nesting instinct! I'm so glad that the first, no-motivation portion of the pregnancy is over so I can get back into the things that I love.


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