California 2014 – Point Loma and Old Towne

September 17, 2014

On Wednesday of our trip to California, during the week that Andrew was gone on his 85-mile hiking/camping trip with his Dad and Brother, Grammy, Kara, Chelsea, Alexa, and I took a trip down to San Diego to see the Point Loma Lighthouse and Old Towne.


Photo Aug 27, 11 57 30 AM

Photo Aug 27, 11 50 31 AM

The views were spectacular, and Chelsea loved the binoculars, even if she couldn’t really see out of them (no spare change).




We didn’t hang around the lighthouse too long because the girls were getting a little cranky. We were going to skip Old Towne all together because of the less than savory moods in the air, but decided to go anyway, and I am so glad that we did! Chelsea loved going in and out of all the shops looking at their wares and just being her silly, very energetic self!



My favorite part was the Mormon Battalion because 1) it was air conditioned 2) it was fun and interesting, and 3) there’s just a special feeling in places like that. I was surprised at how entertaining it was! It was kind of like going on a ride at Disneyland, but you don’t sit in a car and it doesn’t have animated characters in it and it’s about history.


Before we started our tour, Alexa was all smiles for our guide. After the first section of the tour, Chelsea didn’t want to walk into the next room. During the fourth section, she slipped and fell, and by the time the tour was over, we were definitely ready to head back home… Chelsea went to bed at 6:00 that night after getting into my deodorant with Libby (the dog) and picking out half of it. *sigh* two-year-olds.

But, despite all the little tantrums, grumpy outbursts, sweat, and tears, I’m glad we went!



kitchen 32

Photo Aug 27, 3 50 19 PM

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