Chelsea and I were playing together on the front porch, making funny faces at each other and laughing and Chelsea looked at me with a big smile on her face and said, “Mommy, you’re my buddy!” My heart melted. It was like a breakthrough. Since having Alexa, things have been so stressful and I felt like that day, September 16, I finally relaxed and let some of my silly out. As a result, I shared a sweet moment with my little girl. My silly, passionate, energetic little two-year-old.
It was also the day she said her first prayer all by herself!
It was shortly followed by another prayer where she thanked Heavenly Father for Mommy, Daddy, Chelsea, Alexa, and for our blessings. Then she said another prayer to thank the Lord for Aunt Kara and Uncle Karl. The last prayer she said in her sequence of prayers, she thanked the Lord for Uncle Josh. You can really tell what’s important to a child by what they pray for.
And now for our farewell to summer. Fall is a very exciting time of year, with all the changing colors, changing weather, school starting, crafts, holidays, etc. etc., but I’m always a little sad when it’s time for summer to go.
Until we meet again, Summer! You’ve been great to us.
Thank you Castro’s from Omega Bicycles in Oceanside, California for the balance bike! Chelsea LOVES it and has gotten REALLY good at riding it. We need to talk to you about a helmet…
So very precious!