December 17, 2013
Well, I am ashamed of myself! I never thought I would go so long without posting, but I guess I underestimated the powers of the season! Shopping, colds, cooking, sewing, and baking, all in preparation for that special day coming up in just one week (eek!) have certainly made us busy in this household.

A few nights ago, I went to a Relief Society Christmas Party where we enjoyed good food, music, and traditions that a few families in our ward uphold. We also listened as our Bishop spoke to us about Christmas-time and his family. It was one of those nights where, amidst all the hustle and bustle, I got to stop and just appreciate the people in my life, friends, family, and my Savior. What's been on my mind most this morning are my brothers and sisters, and my mom and dad. My family.

I know I've spent a little bit of time on this blog trying to convince everyone that being the youngest child isn't all it's cracked up to be, but really, even with all the disadvantages, I can't complain too much, and I have to concede to some of the arguments that my siblings put forth (I did get a nicer car than the rest of them, and I did get to do some other things that they didn't). But the best part of being the youngest in my family is that I was born into a family that loved each other. I automatically had 13 people who loved me the moment I was born. A love that only grew as I got older.

It's interesting how that love has changed for all of us. I've had to re-introduce myself to my siblings sometimes because of how much I've changed since they knew me at home when I was younger, and even my sister, Emily, pointed out at our last family gathering that she feels I've changed so much since we were home together that she's not sure she really knows me. But the thing is, my siblings do know me and they will always know me. My tastes and preferences might change a little, but in the end, I'm still their little sister, Susan.

I guess this Christmas, I'm feeling a little homesick. Last Christmas, with just me, Andrew, and Chelsea was my favorite Christmas I've ever had, but I miss my Christmases at home. I miss sharing my talents with my cousins, siblings, parents, and grandparents and hearing/watching their talents, too. I miss staying up late, waking up early, smiling until my cheeks hurt, eating the best breakfast of the year, and playing with my toys.

I was so lucky I got to experience that kind of childhood. I truly wish I could go back sometimes, but, of course, I can't. What I can do, is make sure that my family grows up with the same kind of memories. I can make my home a place where we love each other and have fun together as a family. When my little princess is screaming at me because she doesn't know if she wants the "puh-lered" lights on or off, it's hard to imagine how to recreate that feeling, but I know it's possible, and it's what I want this Christmas, and every Christmas to follow for the rest of my life.

Thanks for keeping up with me an my family on this blog, friends. It means a lot to have people like you checking up on us, even if I fail to post for a week or so. Merry Christmas! I'll see you again real soon!

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December 10, 2013
If you've been following my blog for a while, you might already know this. If you're new, then you might not, but here it is: On occasion, I like to write poetry. Not the mushy, gushy stuff. Just fun little Dr. Seuss-ish poems. When I first started my blog, little poems were pretty common in my posts. I've kind of strayed away from poetry for the sake of brevity, but there are a few poems that I am really proud of.

With things being the way they are at my house, this poem speaks VOLUMES, and it is my favorite. I'd love to get it published someday and even have a friend working on some illustrations (what a gal!) I'd love to get some feedback from you, too. Tell me what you think! Would you buy it as an illustrated children's book at the store?

My Nose is a Hose

My name is Rose,
And just so you know,
I’m the girl with
A hose for a nose!

It happens once
Or twice, so I’m told,
Whether you’re young,
Or whether you’re old

We all have to face
The sickness called:

With sneezing and wheezing
And every cough
You gotta admit,
Being sick’s pretty rough!

But back to my nose,
The one like a hose.
The one that tends
To mess up my clothes!

When lying in bed
And trying to sleep,
You’d think that my nose
Would be pretty beat!

But on it runs,
Not a switch to be found,
All over the bed,
Then onto the ground!

Getting ready for school
Has never been worse!
I decide to try
To brush my teeth first.

I open the door
And flip on the light.
I turn on the faucet,
But something’s not right!

Instead of water
Coming out of the tap,
It’s out of my nose
And into my lap!

At breakfast I tried
Not to let my nose run,
But that mean cold
Took away my fun!

My nose started dripping
All into my food
I could tell that this cold
Would ruin my mood!

I thought that at school
I’d be quite alright,
But my nose was acting
The same as last night!

The crayons got all wet,
The paper did, too.
The floor got slick
And the paint turned to goo!

Miss Nelson said
"You can't stay at school!
You're making a mess
With all your hose-drool!"

She sent for the nurse,
Who examined my face.
She snapped her fingers and said,
“Solved the case!”

In the note she sent home,
She prescribed lots of rest.
Soups and meds
I’d put to the test.

I slept in my bed,
I ate all my soup,
I didn’t complain
'bout the medicine goop.

The next morning I woke,
I stretched and yawned.
I touched my face,
And the hose was gone!

No more snivels,
No more snuffs
Thank goodness for
The soups and stuff!

I hopped out of bed
And ran to my mom.
I opened my mouth
To sing, "It's gone!"

But nothing came out!
Not a single note.
With sadness, I thought,
"My throat has a coat!"

So stock up on vitamin C, friends, and pray that your one-and-a-half year old doesn't catch the cold this season!

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December 4, 2013
This is coming to you from my computer at my desk with "puh-ler"ed lights on my left and a small, ornament-less, sad-looking Christmas tree on my right (who am I kidding? even small, ornament-less trees can't be sad if they're Christmas trees!), whilst I listen to The Nylons, Harmony: The Christmas Songs. It's family tradition, and that's what's been on my mind recently.

With Christmas coming up, I've been thinking a lot about what I want our home to look like and what feeling I want to have this year, the first year in our own home. It's interesting, the way you merge two ideas of how Christmas should be into how your Christmas will be once you get married. Luckily, Andrew's family has a lot of the same traditions that my family did, with a few small adages that I LOVE and are easily incorporated into my ideas.

See, here's the thing. I'm not really a terribly passionate person. Not because I don't like anything, but because I love so MANY things! My sister, Becky once "labeled" me as having a passion for life. One thing I am terribly passionate about, however, is Christmas tradition. On Christmas Eve, you must watch "A Christmas Story," and/or "It's a Wonderful Life," you must stay up late (non-specific time) playing card games like Uno and Wild (not sure what the actual name is) and Go-Fish. You must wait until 7:00 AM to get your stockings (of course, if you want to set your clock about five minutes fast, that's okay, too!). Christmas breakfast MUST be served with orange juice and hot chocolate with marshmallows in it, etc. etc. Seriously, there are a lot of little details that must be met in order to satisfy.

Although I will not decorate my house for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, you better believe that it's on my mind. Unfortunately, I think it was a little-too much on my mind this year.

A couple weeks ago, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, one of the speakers in church spoke about being thankful. He spoke of an experiment showing that those who wrote what they were thankful for were happier than those who didn't, and those that said aloud what they were thankful for were even happier than those who wrote it. This thanksgiving was more stressful than trying to beat level 33 on candy crush. I felt like Andrew and I were running back and forth from home to all the activities happening around our home. I didn't make time to think about, say, or even write what I am thankful for.

So here's my list. I'm not going to go in-depth and explain every thing, but if you think about it, I'm sure you can figure out why I'm thankful for these things.

I am thankful for:
Indoor plumbing
The train that takes the hubster to work and saves us big $$
A garage
Hand mixers
Windows (we hardly ever turn lights on in our house to save electricity)
The internet
The postal services
My religion
My mom and dad
My brothers and sisters
Trees, rocks, flowers, etc.
My talents
The talents of others who share
Life (in general, I'm glad I get to live one)
Clean water
Christmas traditions!

Kind of gets you thinking of the little things, doesn't it? Grateful people are happy people. What are you thankful for? It's never too late to give thanks.

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December 2, 2013
What a week it has been! Full of food, family, and a lot of driving to-and-from places. Because a lot of my family met in Provo this week and a lot of Andrew's family met in Salt Lake, we had the luck of spending time with both families! We played games, talked, ate, and laughed as we enjoyed each other's company on Wednesday night with my family, ran in the Cottonwood Heights 5K Turkey Trot with Andrew's family on Thursday morning, left Chelsea with Grammy and Opa while we ran home to take a shower and make a Lemon Meringue Pie (which, although AMAZINGLY delicious, wasn't picture-worthy), after which we drove back down south for the Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Rosanne's house. In addition to all the festivities, we managed to get our living room painted! Wahoo! Now I feel like I'm really ready to get started decorating for Christmas (after I clean up my house).

Although I didn't participate in Black Friday this year, Andrew went with his dad and brother to Walmart and Sears (for movies and tools). I don't know about you, but pushing through a crowd of crazed, deal-seeking individuals over the best selection of blu-ray movies is not my idea of a fun way to spend Thanksgiving night. I'm more of a Cyber Monday shopper, which brings me to my next point.

Chevron and Lace is having its first EVER Cyber Monday sale, and it's my biggest sale, yet! 30% off of EVERYTHING in my shop, while supplies last! That includes maxi skirts, little girl leggings, car seat protectors, one fox coat costume, and even the ethnic shift dress (size medium). It's kind of a big deal. Just visit my shop, select the item you want to buy, and type in CYBERCHEVRON13 for the 30% off discount. If you want a different color of maxi skirt or car seat protector than I have available in my shop, send me a message and I will see if I can get that color for you, no extra charge. Happy shopping!

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November 29, 2013
I am sorry for the absence of posts this week. I have been taking a break from life and blogging but will return next week. In the meantime, may I suggest you stop by my Etsy shop, especially on Monday (lots and lots of sales!) and my Pinterest page for a TON of great Christmas ideas. That's where I'll be! Happy Holidays!

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November 28, 2013
Hope your day is full of thanks, food, and family.

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November 25, 2013
I had the awesome opportunity to make and take photos of the lovely Kim Bird in her own Ethnic Dress! I was so excited to do this for her! We met at the blogger's party I went to about a month ago and I knew, the moment I met her, that I was going to adore her. So when she mentioned that she liked the Ethnic dress that I'm selling in my Etsy shop, I was happy to exchange the dress for some advertisement and the opportunity to take some photos of her.

So, she ordered the fabric, I made the dress, and we met at Station Park to take some photos. I kid you not. Every. Shot. Was. Perfect. She was so easy to work with and just SHINES! Don't you think?

And being quick when it's raining? Huge plus. Thanks for being so easy to work with, you gorgeous babe!

By-the-way, recognize this fabric? It's the same fabric I use for the leggings giveaway that closes TONIGHT! Be sure to enter to win a pair before it's too late! If you are a little too late, that's okay. You can always order them from my Etsy shop! See you there!
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November 22, 2013
I would be lying if I said that Chelsea didn't wear these leggings nearly every-other day. They are so perfect for this cold weather (that's only getting colder) and she just looks SO cute! Don't you think?

We were having a grand 'ol time taking photos, playing in the leaves, and chasing a ball when something in the neighbor's flower-bed caught Chelsea's attention.

It was then that I explained to Chelsea that everything has its time.

We held a proper burial for the little gnome. Kind words were spoken, and tears were shed. Rest in peace, Mr. Gnome.

Stop by my Etsy shop for sizes, colors, and pricing. Oh! Did I mention it comes in electric blue and ivory, too?

And now for the giveaway! You can win a pair of these ADORABLE leggings for your little one, for a friend's little one, your niece, grandchild, whatever! It's really easy to enter, especially if you're already following me via bloglovin', instagram, facebook, etc. Just follow the directions below, and remember! The giveaway ends Monday night. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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November 20, 2013
After having a Facebook account for six years, I have discovered that there are three types of people in the world.

1) Those who will NOT do anything Christmas-y until after Christmas and consider it a crime if you do.
2) Those who are SO excited for Christmas that they can't wait to put up the tree and sing The Chipmunks, "Christmas Time is coming Soon!"
3) Those who love Christmas but give Thanksgiving due respect by celebrating it first.

Type one individuals are religious Thanksgiving-ans who can often come off as judgmental and angry, writing posts such as, "Saw a Santa Clause at the store today. Really? Thanksgiving comes BEFORE Christmas, people!" Although passionate, this reaction should be viewed as more of a lamentation for the brief period of time they have to write down what they're thankful for every day, whether that be their family, their cat, or dishwashers.

Type two individuals throw the unspoken rules of holiday conduct into the faces of type three, deciding that Christmas can, in fact, be celebrated for two months before Christmas, even if that means sharing it with Thanksgiving. These individuals are commonly mistaken for caring more about gifts than being thankful, when in reality, they are every bit as excited for Thanksgiving as they are for Christmas. They just don't have as many house decorations for Turkey-Day, and they are thankful for gifts!

Type three individuals are silently and non-invasive with their holiday conduct. Some choose to write one thing they are thankful for every day by simply stating it without pronouncing opinion on the choices of others, and some simply don't write at all. The reality behind these individuals is that they really don't care whether you choose to celebrate Christmas early by singing Chipmunk songs and putting up your Christmas tree, or not. They decide to celebrate the holidays in their own way and tradition, whether it be by writing what they are thankful for every day, or humming along with The Carpenter's Christmas music in the store.

My point is, I have been a silent type three. I haven't been posting something I'm thankful for every day, but I do think about it. And here's the funny thing... I'm thankful for type ones and type twos!
Type ones remind me that the month before Thanksgiving is a special time to humble ourselves and remember everything that we have that is good and special in our lives. When I read their posts, I'm reminded of the every-day items that make my life better and my heart fills with gratitude and humility because of what I have.
Type twos remind me that Christmas is also coming soon, and that it is a holiday to prepare for and to celebrate. Before the Savior was born, the world was prepared for years and years for His birth. He was born at exactly the right time and place, and everything that happened before then happened for a reason so that He could come in the way He did. So why not prepare now? If you are set in tradition and don't want to decorate before Thanksgiving, prepare your heart. I think Thanksgiving is the holiday right before Christmas for a reason. It helps us to become "meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29) just as the Savior is.

I am thankful for this holiday season. I love to feel the spirit of joy and Thanksgiving as the people I know and love remind me how good this life is, whether they are strongly committed to celebrating Thanksgiving at Thanksgiving-time, or sharing it with Christmas. I am grateful for all the different individuals in this world who make life interesting and contribute their talents and opinions to make the world better.

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November 15, 2013
I have a favorite picture of Chelsea a year ago around this time. I have A LOT of favorite pictures of Chelsea a year ago around this time, but this is definitely a favorite.

It was so much easier to get a good, non-blurry photo of her back then, and look at how chunky she was!
Now, a year later, the trees have shed their leaves again (for the most part) and she is MUCH more mobile.


Meet M and H. Their Mama and Papa moved in down the street and we have all become good friends! M is 2 and H is 1, and they are the cutest pair you ever did see! My daughter is so lucky!


When there isn't a beach around, you have to make do with what you've got. Here in Utah, we may not bury our friends in the sand, but when there are leaves...


H really was a good sport about it all! It wasn't until a couple minutes in of being rained on with leaves by two overly-enthusiastic little girls that it all got a little old.


It's so fun to watch my little girl grow and play and learn. Sometimes I feel badly because I fall short of the expectations I set for myself to be the mom that my mom was twelve kids later. As my friend, Jessica put it, "Unfortunately, guilt seems to be a part of parenting." But when I get down on myself because I scolded Chelsea a little too harshly, or made some other mistake, I always try to remind myself that I'm not perfect, but I'm doing the best I can... And that I am the BEST mom my daughter is ever going to have! What do you do/tell yourself to make yourself feel better?

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