Senior Photography | Nicole

June 23, 2017

You know it's going to be a good session when your client skips out on class early so you can have the best lighting, pulls up to your house with a giant easel sticking out of her car window, executes a perfect wardrobe change IN THE MIDDLE of a public walkway, introduces you to the most perfect artistic location in Salt Lake City, and the very first click of the camera produces an image like this.


Chelsea's 5th birthday!

June 20, 2017
Just one more! This blog is here to share what I learn, to *hopefully* inspire you to try something new, to spread the love of Peach-Rings around the world, and to document my family. The past three posts it's all about Chelsea, so... deal. ;)

Chelsea was really excited about her birthday this year and had her birthday party with friends totally and completely planned out. Unfortunately, her mother wasn't totally on board, so that party didn't exactly happen. But she did have a LOT of fun with friends that day and didn't say a word about not getting her Alicorn birthday party, so I guess the fun with friends that day sufficed!

Breakfast are basically the only photos I got, but I figure as long as we captured the girl and the decorations she set up for her own special day, we're good, right?


Chelsea's 5-year interview

June 18, 2017

It's a month late, but here it is! Chelsea's 5-year interview! I love doing these interviews because I feel like you really get a feel for Chelsea's personality, and you get some pretty good blackmailing material for the future! ;)

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