Presenting the wearable blanket! Made from an actual blanket! I know. Thrifty, right? Here's the story morning glory:
I had a lot of wonderfully kind people give me gifts in celebration of my daughter's birth and with these gifts came a fantastic blanket with the keee-utest owl. Well, Chelsea has a lot of blankets. And when I say a lot of blankets, I mean a LOT! So I decided to turn this particular blanket into a wearable one since it's getting colder (although it doesn't appear so in the photos).
Ready for the tutorial? Wait for it....
You will need:1 blanket
Bias tape (optional)
Scissors, thread, tape measure etc.
20-22" invisible zipper
1. You're going to cut out three pieces. One big piece for the back, and two smaller half-pieces for the front. Decide how big/long you want the wearable blanket and cut it to the correct dimensions with at least 1 extra inch for seam allowance.. Just be sure to angle it in a little (about two inches in at the top). My blanket was 16" and then I laid Chelsea down to see how long I needed to make it. Make sure you cut the front pieces to angle in as well.
2. Zig zag stitch the edges of your fabric piece.
3. Lay your back piece flat and pin on your front piece. Because I cut my front piece out of the fabric on the edge, I had a bias already in place (recommended) so all I had to do was pin it on top of the back piece then sew on the same seam line as the bias. If that's not your situation, sew the front to the back, right sides together, then leave it (since you've already done a zig zag stitch) or sew a bias over the inside seam. That way, if you have a blanket that sheds (like mine) you won't have a shedding problem.
5. Then cut the neck! Same story as number 4.
6. Hem the arms and the neck.
7. Install invisible zipper. Instructions are in the package with the zipper or you can look on youtube and there are plenty of video tutorials. This one's pretty good, but you don't necessarily need an invisible zipper foot. I didn't use one.
Make sure you line up your zipper correctly with the fabric. You don't want to end up with a crooked bottom or top!
8. And the last step is to sew up the bottom, just like you did the sides.
And now you're finished!
It keeps your baby SO warm and cute and cuddly all at the SAME time!
Christmas-time is coming soon!
Ooooo! It's chilly! But not too chilly! Not with my super-duper wearable blanket!
I tried EVERYTHING to get her to look at the camera and smile.
This was the best I got.
What are you lookin' at?
You think this is funny?
You whoooo! See you tomorrow!
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