Everything has a purpose

December 30, 2012
I had a really special experience yesterday where I learned that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens happens for a reason. When Chelsea was overdue, Andrew and I were going CRAZY! We were so excited for her to come and couldn't understand why she wasn't coming on time, but whatcha gonna do? Well, it just so happened that on that Sunday, a few days after the due date, President Eyring (the first counselor to the Prophet and president of the LDS church) came to our ward! His granddaughter was speaking so he was there to support her. He has been one of my favorite church leaders for a long time and I couldn't believe that he was there! And to make the story even more incredible, guess what he talked about? Purpose. Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences.
Then yesterday, my sister invited our family to the BYU basketball game against Virginia Tech at the Energy Solutions Arena in Salt Lake City. They were court side tickets which was awesome, plus we got lunch and a snack at half-time! How could we refuse?! Well, we didn't and guess who happened to be sitting right next to us? Sheri Dew, the president of Deseret Book and a very inspiring woman! She even smiled at Chelsea a couple of times! And if that's not enough, guess who we ran into on our way back to our seats after halftime snack? Elder Nelson! Another one of my favorites. I got to shake his hand and what a feeling. That man is one of the Lord's chosen apostles. Truly an amazing experience.
Finally, after the game was over and we were home and Chelsea was asleep for a nap, I went to the temple. I hadn't been in a while and I was overdue. I arrived later than I planned (due to a dog nearly escaping and a wrong turn... Don't ask) and so had some time before the next session. It was then that I realized that I only had three chapters left to read in the Book of Mormon before I finished it. What an amazing and truly special experience it was to conclude the Book of Mormon in the temple! I read Moroni's promise to those who read the book, that if they read sincerely and prayed sincerely, with a real desire to know if the book is true, they would receive an answer, and I put it to the test, but not quite. I have read the Book of Mormon multiple times and have received affirmation from the Holy Ghost that it is true and ever since the first few times, instead if praying for a manifestion of its truthfulness, I thank The Lord for the knowledge that I have that the Book of Mormon is true and to bless me with that same feeling of joy that I always feel when the Holy Ghost affirms that truth. The Lord answered my prayer, and I can tell you that the Book of Mormon is true! The Lord loves us and He answers prayers. I encourage all to read it and find out for themselves. Don't just take my word for it! You'll miss out on more truth if you don't read it. And from that truth, you will find true and everlasting joy. I promise! I hope your weekend was as amazing as mine. Happy holidays!

1 comment

  1. Sue, I love your blog! I'm always excited when I see that you've posted something new. You are always working on such amazing projects! And I LOVE your new family pictures. Chelsea is a doll! Thank you for all of your wonderful posts this year. Keep it coming!! :)


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