Re-cap of the week

February 1, 2013
This week has been so successful! Every day I've done something productive with my time and that makes me very happy! So here's how it went:

  • Ran 2 miles (Chelsea was really happy afterwards for some reason)
  • Tried this amazing Butterbeer recipe and now, I'm in love. In fact, I'm going to make some right now! Mmmmmm...

  • Started two new matching skirts

  • Ran 3 miles (27:50)
  • Went to last Mommy and Me swim class
  • Went to a high school for the first time since I was in high school. Baby in arms... staring teenagers... awkward.
  • Got some extra things from the grocery store
  • Photo shoot with Chelsea (Thanks Mariasha!)

  • Finished making a beanie for myself
  • Deep cleaned my kitchen
  • Vacuumed
  • Did laundry

  • Went to post office and shoveled snow off my driveway
  • The day is just beginning, but I've got plans...
  • Running 4 miles (wish me luck!)
  • If I survive running, then I'll plan for next week's projects
  • Maybe start on second bow scarf for a very special someone who is yet unseen... You know what that means... GIVEAWAY! I'm currently working on a guest post for Deidre over at Love, The Skinnys which will include a sweet giveaway! Keep checking back to know when the giveaway starts!

I hope you've had a great week as well! If you want more pictures and videos, follow me on instagram and Vine (it's a new social media site that is AWESOME!) If you don't have or like either of those, you can also follow me on Facebook. See you there!

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