Last week, I decided to make a countdown chain. I realized that I was getting mixed up with how much time I actually had left of this pregnancy (I kept rounding down) so decided to make the chain, more as a reminder that I still had more time than I thought. It helps me stay grounded but be excited at the same time.
Everyone says the last month of pregnancy is the hardest and they are SO right. It seems to be even harder this time, though. Probably because it's hot and I'm so much more busy during the day than I was last time so I get worn out and pretty uncomfortable. I think the hardest thing about the last month of pregnancy, though, is knowing that everyone, including yourself, is looking at you and wondering when you're going to pop. I don't really care when people talk to me about it and give their opinions about when they think the baby will come, etc. etc., but I hope I don't make anyone nervous that I'm going to start moaning or that I am going to suddenly pee myself. A lot.
But despite (or rather because of) the constant wondering, the occasional Braxton Hicks, and the discomfort, it's not hard to be excited for the wonderful day when I will feel my insides constrict like a giant sub-human flesh-terranean snake, have a hard time breathing, and try harder than ever to say no to drugs (I have a goal to go all-natural with this one). It's pretty legit! Just like this 38 week bumpdate bathroom pic.
How far along:
38 weeks!
Size of baby:
About 19.5 inches long (the size of a leek) and weights about 7 lbs, according to Baby Center.
Total weight gain/loss:
+20 lbs
Maternity clothes:
Yup! Although even those are getting a little snug. I normally opt for my nursing nightgown (I made it about a month ago and have been meaning to make at least another one because it's so comfy).
Stretch marks:
I'm pretty sure I've got a few new ones from this baby. *sigh* Oh well.
I think it's better than it was a few weeks ago. I don't feel quite as uncomfortable anymore.
Best moment this week:
Being told by my OBGYN at our last appointment that my body is all ready down there and all I need now are contractions!
It's gotten to the point where I can tell she's really kind of squished in there. Sometimes I see her foot move from one side of my tummy and slide over to the other. Kind of fun!
Food cravings:
Popsicles have been particularly delicious to me recently, but that's about it. I still will never say no to Peachie O's!
Labor signs:
A couple of Sundays ago I started having some really hard Braxton Hicks and they've been coming and going ever since then. Don't get my hopes up, Baby!
What I miss:
I miss having a body that can regulate temperature a little better, being able to cook something without forgetting an ingredient (taco soup doesn't quite taste like taco soup without the taco seasoning), being able to hold Chelsea on my lap and give her a good cuddle. I REALLY miss that.
What I am looking forward to:
Having my body back and meeting our baby. I am so so SO excited for she and Chelsea to meet. Life is going to change so much, but I'm sure that she and Chelsea will be great friends and Chelsea will be a perfect big sister for her.
I am almost finished with the nursery! It's looking pretty good, but there are still a few more things I need. Hopefully I can get it completely done before the baby comes, but if not, oh well! I've also packed a hospital bag, pre-registered at the hospital, took a tour of the hospital, and made plans for the labor and delivery. It's all very exciting!
Sometimes when Chelsea does something particularly disobedient or just plain crazy, I roll my eyes and think "Aw man! I'm going to have to do all this again?!" But then she does something so sweet or so silly and I'm reminded of all the millions of sweet moments I've had already from being Chelsea's mom and I think "YES! I get to do all this again!" I think that's probably how all multiple moms feel. Having a child is so much work, but it is so worth it!
This week, we're looking forward to the 4th of July! On Thursday, we get to hang out with our bestie next-door-neighbors and go to the 3rd of July fireworks show in North Salt Lake and Andrew's grandparents house. On the 4th of July, we head south to Utah Valley to have some water olympics, eat some delicious food, and celebrate our freedom with my family. It's gonna be a good week and I'll be sure to take a lot of photos! I feel so blessed to live in America! What are some of your plans?
Also, to celebrate the 4th of July, I'm having another sale! This one will last from today until Sunday night and is 35% off of all my iPad Car Travel Companions (from $17.50 to $11.38). I've got gray ones, black ones, orange, hot pink, light pink, rainbow, and a few others. The sale price is already applied in shop so all you have to do is choose what color you want and purchase! Andrew and I have been so grateful to have ours with trips we've taken this summer. It helps keep Chelsea entertained and happy in the car on the particularly long drives, plus, it's cute, easy to strap on and take off, and can still be used while in its case. Seriously. The best.

Everyone says the last month of pregnancy is the hardest and they are SO right. It seems to be even harder this time, though. Probably because it's hot and I'm so much more busy during the day than I was last time so I get worn out and pretty uncomfortable. I think the hardest thing about the last month of pregnancy, though, is knowing that everyone, including yourself, is looking at you and wondering when you're going to pop. I don't really care when people talk to me about it and give their opinions about when they think the baby will come, etc. etc., but I hope I don't make anyone nervous that I'm going to start moaning or that I am going to suddenly pee myself. A lot.
But despite (or rather because of) the constant wondering, the occasional Braxton Hicks, and the discomfort, it's not hard to be excited for the wonderful day when I will feel my insides constrict like a giant sub-human flesh-terranean snake, have a hard time breathing, and try harder than ever to say no to drugs (I have a goal to go all-natural with this one). It's pretty legit! Just like this 38 week bumpdate bathroom pic.
How far along:
38 weeks!
Size of baby:
About 19.5 inches long (the size of a leek) and weights about 7 lbs, according to Baby Center.
Total weight gain/loss:
+20 lbs
Maternity clothes:
Yup! Although even those are getting a little snug. I normally opt for my nursing nightgown (I made it about a month ago and have been meaning to make at least another one because it's so comfy).
Stretch marks:
I'm pretty sure I've got a few new ones from this baby. *sigh* Oh well.
I think it's better than it was a few weeks ago. I don't feel quite as uncomfortable anymore.
Best moment this week:
Being told by my OBGYN at our last appointment that my body is all ready down there and all I need now are contractions!
It's gotten to the point where I can tell she's really kind of squished in there. Sometimes I see her foot move from one side of my tummy and slide over to the other. Kind of fun!
Food cravings:
Popsicles have been particularly delicious to me recently, but that's about it. I still will never say no to Peachie O's!
Labor signs:
A couple of Sundays ago I started having some really hard Braxton Hicks and they've been coming and going ever since then. Don't get my hopes up, Baby!
What I miss:
I miss having a body that can regulate temperature a little better, being able to cook something without forgetting an ingredient (taco soup doesn't quite taste like taco soup without the taco seasoning), being able to hold Chelsea on my lap and give her a good cuddle. I REALLY miss that.
What I am looking forward to:
Having my body back and meeting our baby. I am so so SO excited for she and Chelsea to meet. Life is going to change so much, but I'm sure that she and Chelsea will be great friends and Chelsea will be a perfect big sister for her.
I am almost finished with the nursery! It's looking pretty good, but there are still a few more things I need. Hopefully I can get it completely done before the baby comes, but if not, oh well! I've also packed a hospital bag, pre-registered at the hospital, took a tour of the hospital, and made plans for the labor and delivery. It's all very exciting!
Sometimes when Chelsea does something particularly disobedient or just plain crazy, I roll my eyes and think "Aw man! I'm going to have to do all this again?!" But then she does something so sweet or so silly and I'm reminded of all the millions of sweet moments I've had already from being Chelsea's mom and I think "YES! I get to do all this again!" I think that's probably how all multiple moms feel. Having a child is so much work, but it is so worth it!
This week, we're looking forward to the 4th of July! On Thursday, we get to hang out with our bestie next-door-neighbors and go to the 3rd of July fireworks show in North Salt Lake and Andrew's grandparents house. On the 4th of July, we head south to Utah Valley to have some water olympics, eat some delicious food, and celebrate our freedom with my family. It's gonna be a good week and I'll be sure to take a lot of photos! I feel so blessed to live in America! What are some of your plans?
Also, to celebrate the 4th of July, I'm having another sale! This one will last from today until Sunday night and is 35% off of all my iPad Car Travel Companions (from $17.50 to $11.38). I've got gray ones, black ones, orange, hot pink, light pink, rainbow, and a few others. The sale price is already applied in shop so all you have to do is choose what color you want and purchase! Andrew and I have been so grateful to have ours with trips we've taken this summer. It helps keep Chelsea entertained and happy in the car on the particularly long drives, plus, it's cute, easy to strap on and take off, and can still be used while in its case. Seriously. The best.
Tell your friends!
Thanks so much for stopping by today. It's fun to be able to write my thoughts here, share some pictures, etc. etc. and get feedback from friends and family members. Having you read my blog motivates me to do more, find new talents, and improve old ones. Thanks for being my motivation. See you again soon!
I'm soooo excited for baby #2 to show up! Also, you look great for how far along you are! By this stage I was an elephant! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Thanks, Robyn! I'm just super excited to meet her and to find out what she looks like! Will she be another Andrewina, or will she look more like me? Can't wait!